Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Training Book Written Just for Boxers and Their Owners,

When correctly trained, the handsome Boxer is renowned for unswerving loyalty to its master and its fearlessness as a guard dog. Training Your Dog books teach ordinary non-expert dog owners how to train their own pets. Virtually every aspect of training is covered, with special focus on the distinctive traits of individual breeds. Dog owners are instructed on humane but effective methods of housebreaking and paper training, obedience training, teaching the dog to respond to verbal commands and hand signals, walking on a leash, and more. Also covered are methods of correcting bad habits such as begging, unwanted barking, and showing hostile behavior. There are many instructive, full-color photos in each book.  Boxers are excellent learners and this book, "Training Your Boxer," gives you the tools to transform your puppy or adult Boxer into a great companion and good canine citizen. (All techniques detailed in this book use positive reinforcement.). The foreword to the book was written by Tracy Hendrickson, owner/trainer of the ABC Performance Dog of the Year/2000, and Norbert Zawatzki, director of training for the Boxer Klub e.v. Sitz Munchen.


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